Ultimate Guide To Centurylink Internet Plans & Bundles

Centurylink Internet

Are you looking for internet service with features like lock-in pricing, no binding contract, and unlimited data use? Then, CenturyLink Internet is a perfect choice offering you all the features you are looking for in an internet service provider.

Centurylink offers internet service without binding annual contracts and several bundling options that permit you to combine phone services with their internet service in a single package. The starting pricing range of CenturyLink is $49 and provides speeds ranging from 20 Mbps to 100 Mbps at the same price range. So if you are looking for one gigabyte per second speed, you can have it for just $65.

This post will discuss the specifics that CenturyLink Internet services can offer you, including their plans, reviews, availability, and other essential factors.

Prices & Plans Of CenturyLink

Centurylink provides two kinds of plans which are DSL and fiber. DSL is most likely what you will find everywhere. Both the internet plans come at reasonable pricing. However, a fiber internet plan is a much better deal than you can get.

The value of the Simply Unlimited Internet plan depends on what speeds you can get. CenturyLink promises to connect customers with the fastest speeds in their area—anywhere from 20-100 Mbps for $49/month. So you can understand how your download speed determines whether $49 per month is of value to you or not.

CenturyLink is excellent at providing the most value they can for your money, but it may not be enough if you want the speed that approaches download speeds you need.

CenturyLink has the most comprehensive suite of internet services available, with unlimited data and relatively affordable prices. This may make them a tempting option for those who need an internet provider with these features within their budget.

CenturyLink Pricing & Features
Price Internet Speeds Features
$49 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 Mbps ●     Work From Home & Shop Online With Ease

●     Connect Multiple Devices At Fast Speed

●     Stream HD Movies

●     No Need Of Contract

●     Price For Life

$65 1Gbps ●     100% Fiber Network

●     Unlimited Data

●     No Overage Fees

●     Download & Upload at Fast Speed

●     Stream HD Content On Multiple Devices

What CenturyLink Offers?

The internet is a vital aspect of everyday life for many people. More than 65% of adults aged 65 and older say they use the web daily to communicate with friends or family, shop online (especially if their health prevents them from going out), and get medical information about ailments they need to access on a daily basis.

Up to 20 Mbps

You can use speeds like 20 MBPS for quick streaming movies or videos and music purposes. However, it is slow when playing games like Mahjong or Solitaire, and it might even take a little more time to load the photos. So you might need to wait up to 3 minutes before your game loads entirely, and you can start playing it.

Up to 40 Mbps

This speed permits you to access fast internet speeds on multiple devices, up to three to be specific. You can enjoy music, interact with family members, stream movies or television, play games without having to suffer through the frozen screens. This is a perfect speed to access and enjoy multiple activities at once.

Up to 100 Mbps

It is one of the best speed alternatives for families or older adults who have many devices and want to enjoy interactive video chatting with family members or friends without any lagging. Additionally, it provides an incredible experience for regular online gamers, and it doesn’t take more than a minute to load.

CenturyLink internet even provides fiber gigabit internet alternatives with ultra fast speeds. If you have a family or are an older adult that has a lot of friends or family members that visit, this is something that you want to opt for. This is also an excellent option for other people working from home currently as this provides an optimal speed without any lag to do all sorts of work and multitasking that your job requires.

This is a beneficial option for everyone at home, be it your kids, grandkids, friends, and extended family. This option provides you with blazing fast internet speeds of five seconds load times. It virtually takes no time to load and watch videos, enjoy gaming and or virtually anything requiring online access.

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