Six Ways to Improve Your Business’s Internet Security

Internet Security

When you run a small business, you are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are often targeted by hackers because internet security is rarely made a priority in smaller firms. There are steps you can take to help protect your business from cybercrime and other online security risks. Here are six ways to do just that.

1. Install Trusted Internet Security Software

It should go without saying, but the first step to improving your business’s internet security is to install and use high-quality internet security software on any and all company computers. You should do the same for any personal computers and cellphones that may be used to access work files or emails.

There are numerous options available, but for an appropriate level of protection, make sure to use software specifically designed for businesses or SMEs.

2. Back Up All Files Regularly

To prevent important files and data from being lost in an online attack, you should back it up regularly. Cloud services can be used to do this automatically, so it won’t take any time or effort on the part of your employees.

It’s also a good idea to password-protect any files with sensitive information. Encrypting files in this way is easy, and you’ll be adding an extra layer of protection to your documents.

3. Train Your Staff

There is no point in implementing online security practices if your staff is acting irresponsibly or without thought to their online security.

Test your employees’ internet security knowledge by sending out a fake phishing scheme from a strange-looking email account. Your staff should not only refrain from clicking on any suspicious links or downloads but also report anything suspicious to your IT team immediately. If they don’t, you need to implement thorough internet security training as soon as possible.

4. Use Managed IT Services

If the question of internet security and online safety is making you stressed, it may be a good idea to use a managed IT service. EGiS Technologies offers 24-hour monitoring of your systems, as well as managed firewalls and email filtering, meaning that you can have peace of mind that your business is in safe hands.

Other benefits of managed IT services include fewer interruptions to your service and a more reliable connection.

5. Change Your Passwords Often

Ask your IT team to send out regular reminders to all staff that they should be changing their passwords frequently. Many people use the same password or couple of passwords for everything, and it’s a recipe for disaster.

Experts state that passwords should be updated every few months for optimum online security, so make it a requirement for your teams.

6. Keep Your Wi-Fi Secure

Many SMEs and other businesses use networks that use Wi-Fi to connect, so it’s critically important that you keep your Wi-Fi connection secure. Use WPA2 Wi-Fi that provides unique encryption for each user, and make sure that any customers or clients have access only to a guest Wi-Fi service rather than using the same connection as your employees. This will make access to your files more difficult and, therefore, more secure.

Keeping your business safe online is essential, and no matter the size of your company, you need to be taking steps to ensure cybersecurity.

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