How To Keep Your Belongings Safe When Moving House

Moving House

There are many things you need to think about when you’re preparing for a move, but one of the most important things is figuring out how to keep your belongings safe during this process. The last thing you need when you’re moving into your new home is to open boxes and find that items have been damaged or lost during transportation. If you want to rest assured that this won’t happen to you, consider the following suggestions.

Lease a Storage Unit

If you are going to be staying at temporary accommodation between leaving your current home and moving into your new one, you’ll need somewhere secure to store your belongings until you can move in. Leasing a storage unit is the perfect solution, particularly for larger pieces of furniture, or perhaps even your car or another vehicle. These units are usually very affordable and come with rolling contracts, so you’re not tied into the lease for longer than you need. They should also have CCTV and other security measures in place, so you know that your belongings are safe. You can also lease climate-controlled units should any of your belongings require it.

Hire a Reputable Moving Company

A lot of people decide to hire a moving company to help them take their belongings to the new house, as this can be much easier than doing it all yourself. You should do your research before hiring one to make sure that they are reliable, or ask friends or relatives who have recently moved to make a recommendation. If you need a specialist service such as motorcycle shipping, search this term online to find a company that can help you with this.

Use Quality Packaging

Throwing your belongings into cardboard boxes might seem straightforward enough, but if you want to minimize the risk of damage, you should use stronger cardboard or even plastic containers. You should also purchase plenty of bubble wrap or tissue paper to wrap around fragile objects. For clothing, think about getting wardrobe boxes, as this will help to prevent wrinkles in your garments, and use acid-free paper for delicate materials. Vacuum-sealed bags are also great and can make your boxes more compact. Label your boxes, so you know where to find what, as this will make unpacking easier in your new home.

Make an Inventory

Another smart way to keep track of your belongings is by making an inventory as you pack them up. Listing what items you have packed and where you are storing them (for example, your storage unit) might help to give you peace of mind that everything has made it to your new home or is at least accounted for. If anything is missing, you could contact the new owners of your old property and ask if you left something behind or report these missing items to your moving company in case of theft.

If you want to keep your belongings safe when you move house, use these tips to help you keep track of everything and minimize the risk of damage.

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