5 Best Keyword Analysis Tools For Realtors – Don’t Miss!

Keyword research tools to use

Keywords have a separate fan base in digital marketing. It is said, no matter how much time you spend on your business, you must give a couple of hours to research and find the right keywords for the online venture.

Businesses who have taken this initiative at the very first stage of the marketing process are now shining with glory in the digital marketplace.

Would you like to make such preparation to have a substantial growth in your real estate business?

Keyword analysis and planning should always be your first approach while you take care of other digital marketing services. This is the same for every industry.

To perform the job with perfection, here we have listed down a few tools, both free and paid. Using them you can carry out your keyword research process with ease. Note them now!

5 Best keyword research and analysis tools for realtors

  1. Google Keyword Planner:Google Keyword Planner is always the primary choice made by the realtors. Not just because it is easy to find and easy to use. But because it is absolutely free to find relevant keywords.
    For the small-scale realtors, this free tool is like a magic stick for generating keywords with perfection. Surprisingly, the tool is even favored by established businesses.

    Google Keyword Planner is well-known for extracting information directly from Google. And as you know, Google is the largest and highly-used search engine that people usually target. Hence, optimizing your website with the right keywords, mostly targeted on Google,is not a difficult job.
    Enter your primary keyword and you will be blessed with several ideas along with average monthly searches, competitor research, and suggested bid. It is a one-stop keyword analysis tool for marketers.

    Don’t forget to take the leverage!

  2. Google Correlate:Other than Google Keyword Planner, Google is again a great source for Google Correlate. However, this option is often overlooked by the experts as the former one takes over its place.

    Now the question is – what’s the use of choosing Google Correlate instead of the Keyword Planner? What creates the difference?

    Google Correlate is known for generating a long list of powerful keywords. But above this, you get the ability to find keywords that are searched together. Such a scope gives you the chance for creating a list of long-tail keywords. And statistics say that long-tail keywords are more likely to generate high ranks and more visibility compared to the short keywords.

    Maybe in this way, you can create your own content calendar. That’s an added benefit.

  3. Keyword In:Keyword In works the best when you need multiple combinations for your single keyword or phrase. It takes the long-tail keyword or the seed keyword and tries to combine them in a different form, creating a list of potential keywords.

    Keyword In is the simplest keyword research and analysis tool that can generate a long list of combinations within a few seconds. Type the keyword and hit the generate button. You will witness several options for your keywords that will provide you with effective results.

  4. Keyword Generator: Keyword Generator cultivates a list of relevant and effective keywords for your brand. It provides 150 keyword ideas for a seed keyword. These keywords usually contain the original keyword along with their individual search volumes on a monthly basis.
    Keyword Generator also provides Keyword Difficulty Score. A score is basically a number given to the keyword-based on its ranking difficulty. You must note that all these ranks and numbers are estimated, they differ from the real-time data.

    Keyword Generator is not just for Google. You can use this to generate ideas for Bing, Amazon, and even YouTube.

  5. Keyword Surfer:Unlike other keyword research tools, Keyword Surfer is a free Chrome extension that you can use at your convenience. The extension is designed to deliver accurate results for global and monthly search volumes for any search query typed on Google.

    If you are wondering which keyword will gain what results, this tool is a perfect match for your desire. Just use this tool and find the search volume for every keyword typed on Google related to your industry. It not just delivers local search results but even shows estimates for 19 different countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Brazil, and Canada.

    That’s the fascinating thing about this tool. You can enjoy both local and global search volumes in bulk based on your query.

The Bottom Line

Keyword research and analysis is better performed using advanced tools. The tools generate the most relevant list of keywords based on industry, monthly searches, and market. Seeking the help of these tools you can create a content calendar based on the long-tail keywords, target the right audience, and eventually boost your search engine rank.

Isn’t this what you want to excel in your real estate business?

Look for an agency offering the optimum real estate digital marketing services and bang on!


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