6 Ways To Generate More Inbound Links This Year

link building

The credibility of any website plays a crucial role in determining its ranking. Most digital marketers now focus on adding high-quality links to their websites for improved link building search engine rankings. Experts suggest that a search engine prioritizes quality over quantity to evaluate and determine a website’s ranking.

Undoubtedly, generating backlinks to your website can be exasperating, as the process demands patience, critical evaluation, and hard work. Gone are the days of meek search engine optimization SEO, where you could effortlessly stuff links to your website. In contrast to the old SEO practices, digital marketers currently follow specific criteria to comply with the standards set by different search engines. To get effective backlinks, copywriters and digital marketers must be conscious about their link building strategy.

Since backlinks are now a remarkable way of increasing a website’s SEO rankings, Google has modified its approach of evaluating backlinks for an improved website ranking. It means site managers, editors, and owners must work hard to progress their backlinks over time organically. While your purpose is to build a good mix of internal, inbound, and outbound links, those links have to relate to your business, content, and target audience. Here are some out-of-the-box ways to generate more inbound links to your website.

  1. Create Your Social Media Profile

The current technological advancements have increased the online presence of consumers. In this fast-paced digital world, creating online visibility on some popular social media platforms would be a great idea. A successful social media profile of any business includes the brand’s name, a display image (preferably the company or brand’s logo), and business or company details.

You can even take advantage of the available features to ad links to your blog and website. Linking your website to your social media page is one of the essential steps of link building. It intensifies your visibility and generates links to your website, resulting in improving your website’s credibility. You can even link your member profiles, websites of networking groups, business associations, and trade organizations for the same purpose.

  1. Write Guest Posts

Link building is primarily reliant on explicit content, particularly guest posts. A guest post refers to the content that one creates for another blog to get featured on their webpage.It is one of the perfect ways to display your industry expertise while building high-quality backlinks.Furthermore, writing guest posts allows you to showcase your knowledge, build a solid professional affinity, and cultivate a business personality.

Besides, most blogs and websites include a few lines of writer-biography at the end or beginning of each post, creating more space for backlinks. Although reaching out to sites with a massive following can be frightening, but it will be worth it if your guest blog pitch winds up being fruitful!

  1. Develop Shareable Content

Content marketing is still one of the best strategies to earn quality links and traffic to the target website. Videos, images, and infographics are common types of content that people love to watch. In fact, people tend to share information that is visually appealing and relevant to their interests. Whether you decide to write a well-researched blog post, a valuable infographic, or an actionable eBook, any shared content can get circulated via a call-to-action (CTA). However, businesses targeting new visitors can opt for content campaigns collaborating with brands that complement their products for a content campaign.

Similarly, Pinterest is an excellent source of generating backlinks. It is best to ensure that all of your case studies, high-valuable content, infographics, and blog posts get linked to your Pinterest board. If a viewer finds your insights valuable, there is a chance that they will generate a backlink when posting content on their web pages.

  1. Target Keyword Phrases

An effective link-building strategy includes selecting the right keywords, i.e., words or phrases popular in the Google search. Various keyword research tools are now available online. Hence you can use them to pick the right words for your website. It is worth mentioning that keyword selection must be relevant to your niche, services, or products your website offers.

Next, add those keywords at the right place in your content. Make sure to place link keyword-rich anchor text with relevant pages that generally have high traffic. The process, if done rightly, will eventually result in attracting more traffic to your website.

  1. Review Books, Industry Products, and Media on Amazon

Amazon provides an outstanding way to review products and books – but how does that benefit you?

Your job is to build a reputation on Amazon as a credible reviewer and display your profile with a link to your site. You can even use it as a satellite blog to provide information, insights, and helpful reviews to people trying to find the right product or book. It is an incredible opportunity for you to be resourceful, to be visible to an all-new audience. Just be sure not to add information that is either spammy or does not include recent facts.

  1. Get Listed in Pertinent Quality Directories

Remember, not all directory listings are worthless! While not ideal for SEO, some are perfect for brand visibility – and that’s what you need. Identify both paid and free directories of your industry that are authentic, high-quality, and credible for you to get listed. Perhaps, these might include trade association sites, portfolio sites, association member directories, yellow page directories, or even optional vendors.


Link building isn’t complex, but it does require a lot of effort and time. As always, never implement all of your planned link-building strategies at once. Pick one of these simple, effective, and intelligent practices for building inbound links and attract a significant amount of traffic to your website. Implement and take steady action, and then acquire the rewards of a prospering website.

Lastly, make your content actionable and valuable, target high-rated websites, and nurture professional bonds specifically with those relevant to your industry. All these tactics can generate the type of links that can positively uplift your SEO rankings.

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